Feb 29, 2024

76. What I’ve Learned From Recording Three Podcast Seasons

Life lessons from podcasting? You better believe it. On this solo episode, Maryann reflects on her first three seasons, sharing wisdom she's gained from the journey. These 12 life-changing tidbits will get you out of your comfort zone, in touch with your life's passions, and on your way to living a bold midlife.

At the start of this fourth season of the More Beautiful Podcast, Maryann reflects on the valuable lessons she’s learned from her podcasting journey—so far. These tips will pump you up and set you in motion for the rest of your day, your week or even your year. They will hopefully ignite a spark and nudge you in a direction you’ve been yearning to move toward. And they’re loaded with fun tidbits, from the story of how Maryann’s father-in-law got his first acting gig (alongside Ryan Reynolds and Jason Bateman!) in his 80s, to tips on how to get out of your comfort zone, embrace your life’s passions and find your bold in midlife.


The following is a transcript of this episode. It has been edited for clarity.

Can you believe this is the start of the fourth season of the More Beautiful Podcast? 76 episodes and counting. I’m so happy you’ve been on this journey with me, and in celebration of the past three seasons and what’s still to come, I wanted to reflect on some of the valuable stuff I learned from this amazing experience. When I was thinking back, I realized that these lessons pertain not just to podcasting, but to life, particularly midlife. I’m really excited to share these tidbits with you, and I want them to set the tone for your day, whatever mood you’re in right now, and whatever you’re doing—whether you’re driving or running errands or just chilling at home…and maybe even pump you up and set you in motion for the rest of the year. Yes, they’re that good. So stick around.

Welcome to More Beautiful, the podcast for women rewriting the midlife playbook. I’m your host, Maryann LoRusso, and I invite you to join me and a guest each week as we strive for a life that’s more adventurous, more fulfilling, and more beautiful than ever before.

You learn something from every experience. And by midlife, we’ve raked up quite a few experiences. And who’s to say we need to stop? Nobody, that’s who. A little over two years ago, when I was 52, I got it in my head that it would be cool to start a podcast. But I didn’t know where to begin, and wasn’t even sure I had it in me to learn. So I researched and researched, and taught myself stuff, and put in the work, and gave it a go. Looking back now, I can honestly say that the process has enriched my life so much. On this kickoff to the fourth season of the More Beautiful Podcast, I wanted to share with you some of the things I’ve learned from the experience…so far. And yes, I’m absolutely using podcasting as a metaphor for life. But I know you’ll forgive me because I really think it works. And my wish for you is that these 12 tips somehow ignite a spark in you, that little spark that’s yearning to be lit, and motivate you to try sometime new at this stage in your life, or to help nudge your sweet little ass in a direction you’ve been longing to move toward. Even if doing so feels scary or overwhelming right now.

OK, ready? Tip number one. And for those of you who listened to the show regularly, you hear me and my guests say this over and over again: It’s absolutely never too late to pick up a new skill. OK, sure, if your goal is to obtain a medical degree, it may be a rougher ride than it would have been in your 20s or 30s. Let’s be honest, there are a few things that are a bit easier when you’re younger. But if you’ve got the desire and the drive and the work ethic, I believe that almost anything is possible. And you also reserve the right to adjust your vision of what your life will look like. You may not be a prima ballerina at 60, but why should that stop you from taking ballet lessons? Or running a dance studio? Or entering a local dance competition? Or simply showing up at the local salsa club to dance with a fun group of people. Your dream, your goals, you make the rules. But whatever it is you want to do, don’t wait until you’re 10 years older and wishing you had done it NOW.

Here, I’d just like to digress and tell you a little story about my father-in-law, who is Japanese American. About 14 years ago, when he was in his late 70s, he was attending a festival in a park in Atlanta when a Hollywood casting agent came up to him and asked him to do a small role in a new movie. My FIL didn’t know anything about the movie. He was a businessman, not an actor, but after checking the whole thing out, he was like, what the hell, I’ll give this acting thing a whirl. And guess what? He ended up in the 2011 movie, The Change-Up, with Ryan Reynolds, Jason Bateman and Olivia Wilde. He did two scenes with Ryan Reynolds. After the film wrapped up, the Hollywood folks asked him if he’d like to do more roles, and they advised him to join Actors Equity so they could be speaking roles, but he said no. He tried acting, but it wasn’t for him.

So there you have it. It’s never too late. But it’s also OK to change your mind.

OK, second major thing I’ve learned from starting a podcast: Podcasting has taught me that the world keeps evolving, and we should too. As a print journalist, I was hesitant to dive into another medium, but I did. I translated my skills as a writer and interviewer to a new platform, and I found that they were so much more transferable than I had imagined. So my message to you is that no matter what age you are, that life force is strongest when you keep growing. And I’ve found that learning in midlife, like earlier times in my life, has a cascading effect. Once I had mastered the production part of podcasting, I found myself learning to design promotional materials on canva. And figuring out how to make videos on Instagram. And doing analytics and learning SEO. And then I took the plunge and accepted offers to be a guest on other people’s podcasts, further honing my public speaking skills. One thing led to another, and this simple act of starting a podcast resulted in my stretching myself in so many new ways. Bottom line: No matter what you decide to embark on, it will take you to some interesting new places and change you in ways you probably never imagined.
Number 3, here it is: I’ve learned that in order to remain deeply connected to this world, you should never stop meeting people. We all need community during every one of our life stages, and opening yourself up to new relationships and collaborations, I believe, is one of the best things you can do to stay vibrant, happy and relevant. Thanks to the podcast, I’ve been meeting and interviewing so many interesting people. I’ve been exposing myself to new ideas and perspectives, which has led to a lot of personal growth and discovery. But I do get that it can be scary, in midlife, to put yourself out there. Every time I reach out to a potential guest, I’m like, “Why am I doing this? What if they say no?” But I do it anyway. And I end up making a new connection, or even a friend. Or at the very least, I learn something new. Trust me, you can do this too, whether you’re seeking a job or a friend or a business partner or just someone to bounce ideas off. It’s how you grow, and just because we’re in midlife doesn’t mean we should stop growing. Never stop meeting people. And never stop growing.

Along the same lines, here’s the fourth thing I’ve learned: That being a beginner is good for you, especially as you get older. And I admit, it can feel really bad to start from square one. We’re used to being the seasoned ones, right? The mentors. The masters of whatever career or skills we’ve already acquired. But resting on our laurels is what keep us stuck in midlife. Being a beginner can be humbling, but it’s also one of the most age-defying things you can be. It stretches your brain and keeps it young. It keeps you on your toes and challenged. So start something new, whether it’s taking singing lessons, or learning a new language, or getting a degree or doing an internship (yes, you heard that right, an internship) in a new field, be open to being a beginner again. Be open to being a late bloomer. Be open and see what unfolds. I can assure you, you will be surprised and delighted in so many ways.

Ready for number five? And this is related to being a beginner: Just take that first step. I mean, you gotta start somewhere, right? So start somewhere right now. Start anywhere. Take that first step. It can be the smallest thing in the world, but take that step toward something you want. In my case, my podcasting journey started when I bought myself a microphone on Amazon. It took me three weeks to take it out of the box. But I eventually did, and the journey began. Your first step, toward whatever you want to do, can be anything: It can be as simple as envisioning yourself in a new job, or relationship, or place. It can be as simple as writing it all down in a journal, or doing some research online. Once you take that first step, you’re on your way, baby.

Sixth thing I’ve discovered: Midlife is not boring! My guests on the More Beautiful Podcast are some remarkable people. They’re out, day after day, doing all sorts of interesting stuff. They’re starting companies, writing books, reaching the pinnacles of their careers, educating and helping others, finding the loves of their life, finding themselves…I’m floored by the exciting accomplishments and experiences they’ve raked up, and I hope you have been inspired by them too.

Number 7: Life can be hard, but we got this. Many of my guests have overcome great obstacles and unthinkable loss. One of my guests found herself on welfare in her 40s but turned it around to start a profitable new business. Another author I interviewed became a widow, also in her mid-40s, but worked through the grief, became an author and is living her best life right now helping other people get through similar heartbreak. I am so inspired by these incredible people and their incredible stories, and I hope you are too. Midlife may throw us many challenges, but there is meaning and enlightenment at every turn. I promise, whatever challenges you’re facing, you got this too.

Lesson 8. You’re nothing without your health. One of the wake-up calls of getting older is realizing that it’s harder to burn the candle at both ends. Often I’m in the studio, aka my closet, interviewing someone, and one of us will joke about how we’ve got brain fog from not sleeping well. Sometimes, because maybe I didn’t stretch well before a run, my lower back is a bit achy as I’m sitting on the stool in front of my mic, so I’ll be wiggling a bit on my chair, and we’ll laugh about that too. I’ve come to realize that I’m no longer able to be sharp for a 7 a.m. zoom call, asking cohesive questions and looking engaged, if I stayed up too late the night before. I’ve learned that, like it or not, my body is changing and I have to honor and respect that. And the dozens of health experts I’ve had on the show have been there to help navigate us through these changes and adjustments. I have to put my health first, YOU have to put yourself first, or nothing else will matter.
So here’s the most interesting lesson I’ve learned, number 10: I’m weird, you’re weird, we’re all weird. Editing a podcast and hearing yourself talk makes you acutely aware of your idiosyncrasies and embrace your quirks. And I’m not just talking about those extra “you knows” and “likes” we all tend to say during a conversation. I’m talking about a goofy laugh that’s a bit too loud. Or the mispronunciation of a certain word. Believe it or not, hearing my imperfections on the podcast has made me less, not more critical of myself and my guests. We’re all human and that’s what makes us special. That’s what makes the world go round. Midlife is no time to be a conformist. It’s time to be more of your wonderful, quirky, beautiful self.

Lesson number 11. Ego gets in the way of progress. Three years ago, if you told me I’d be talking about my menopause, health issues and sex life on a podcast, I would have scoffed. Because our generation grew up with this notion that a polite woman kept certain things to herself. But what did all that politeness get us? Our mothers and grandmothers suffered through menopause in silence. Worrying about “what people think” doesn’t help anyone. It doesn’t help move the world forward, doesn’t help combat ageism and doesn’t inform our daughters. Also, sharing our personal experiences makes us feel less alone, makes our challenges feel less daunting. Why? Because we know we’re in this together.

Finally, here is the 12th thing I’ve learned from recording three seasons of the podcast: There’s so much good stuff to come! Talking to women who are embracing change, pursuing their dreams and enjoying life has been incredibly energizing. And hearing about the projects they’re working on, the travel they’re hoping to do, the goals they’re setting for themselves, reminds me that there is so much to look forward to. I say this a lot, but midlife is the sweet spot. We’re old enough to have wisdom and experience on our sides, but hopefully young enough to keep learning and growing and reaching for the stars. My wish for you is that you find a good balance between looking forward to the future, and staying grounded enough in the present so that you don’t waste a second more of this precious life of yours.

Well, I hope you’ve enjoyed hearing about what I’ve learned from podcasting, and that you feel inspired to move a step closer toward whatever it is you want in life. It is such a joy doing this show, and I really want to hear your feedback if you have any suggestions for future episodes or just want to say hi. To check out all the episodes of the More Beautiful Podcast, please visit Morebeautifulproject.com. And please sign up for my new monthly newsletter that will be chock-full of fun information and inspiration and tips for living your very best midlife. Remember, this is not your mama’s midlife!

Thank you so much for tuning in to More Beautiful. Please visit Morebeautifulproject.com for show notes and bonus content. And it would mean so much if you could subscribe, rate and review on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you’re listening. Together, let’s continue to change the conversation around aging.


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