Sep 28, 2021

1. Introducing the More Beautiful Podcast

Host Maryann LoRusso reveals the inspiration behind the More Beautiful Podcast for women in midlife.

Welcome to the More Beautiful Podcast! I’m Maryann LoRusso, your host, and I am so happy you’re here.

More Beautiful is the podcast for women over 40 who are trying to make sense of this crazy thing called midlife and are determined to rewrite the midlife playbook.

I’m a firm believer that as we age, we ladies do not have less of anything—we have so much more. Join me and my amazing, funny, brilliant guests as we explore the highs and lows of middle age, and strive for a life that’s more adventurous, more fulfilling…and more beautiful than ever before.

Ladies, this is not your mama’s midlife.

Thank you to my talented editor Ryan B. Jo for putting up with my lack of tech skills and piecing together this trailer. I promise, I’ll learn how to use the equipment one of these days! And hugs to Inga Lim for the stunning More Beautiful logo. She instinctively knows what I’m envisioning and manages to translate it from my head to the drawing board.

You are both angels!


Welcome to More Beautiful, the podcast for women trying to make sense of this crazy thing called midlife. I’m Maryann LoRusso, your host, and I am thrilled that you’re here.

The concept for this project started a while back, when I entered midlife and found that wherever I turned, there were suddenly voices everywhere; telling me that midlife was a big old dead end, telling me what I was going to be getting less of as the years went by. Less career opportunity, less time with my kids, less sex drive, less collagen and estrogen.

And on the flip side, other voices were saying that I could somehow avoid getting older by working harder to look and act younger. I am a firm believer that as we age, we ladies do not have less of anything. On the contrary, we have much, much more. For one thing, we have more experience, which gives us more perspective, clarity and insight. We have more self awareness and more confidence. We have more focus on what matters to us. We have more humility and more compassion, which translates to more meaningful relationships. The bottom line is that life can be more fulfilling than it’s ever been, and we don’t need an anti-aging cream to get there.

That’s not to say we don’t feel our age sometimes. Reading glasses and crow’s feet and perimenopause are no fun. And stuff like financial uncertainty, aging parents and empty nests are even harder. I’m not in denial or saying the struggle isn’t real. But this is where it helps to have a community of women to talk, commiserate, and laugh with. That’s what I want More Beautiful to be for you: an age-appropriate resource, sounding board, and community all in one. Together, we’ll come up with strategies and solutions for both our serious and not-so-serious issues. We’ll put everything into perspective—did I mention we now have more perspective? And I promise we will laugh through even the hardest topics.

So join me and my amazing guests as we explore the highs and lows of middle age and strive for a life that’s more beautiful than ever before.

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