About More Beautiful
If you’re in your 40s, 50s or beyond, this is your one-stop destination for age-relevant information and inspiration.
Let’s get real. Sometime after 40, the proverbial sh— hits the fan. From hot flashes to health scares, career uncertainty to crow’s feet, we’re facing different challenges than we did when we were younger.
Many of us are staring at the next few decades, wondering what they’re supposed to look like. Maybe we’re feeling optimistic. Maybe we want to get excited, but aren’t sure how. Maybe we’re too busy or tired to think about it.
If you’re anything like me and my friends, you’ve been having some interesting conversations lately. Conversations about our kids and parents getting older. About our changing bodies and looks. About career and relationship crossroads, and rethinking the way we take care of ourselves—physically, mentally and spiritually.
There’s a lot to talk about, because there’s a lot going down.

No matter where we are in our midlife journey, we’re striving for the same thing: life balance and a roadmap for joy and fulfillment.

That’s where More Beautiful comes in. Here, you’ll find the age-relevant information you’re seeking, along with the encouragement and inspiration you need to continue chasing your wildest dreams.
More Beautiful is for women who want to embrace these lush years with curiosity, courage and tenacity. Who disregard limiting stereotypes because they know there’s so much to learn and experience at any age. Who have decided that the best is definitely yet to come.
It’s never too late to chase your dreams. Hear that?
Never. Too. Late.
For your dose of midlife inspiration, head over to the More Beautiful Podcast, where you can listen to lively, relatable conversations about health and fitness, career and finance, relationships and family, travel and fashion. Or dive into the More Beautiful Blog for more great content.
So, forget everything you’ve read about life over 40 and what it’s supposed to look like. This is not your mama’s midlife. It’s one that’s more interesting, more fulfilling and, yes, MORE BEAUTIFUL than ever before.

Pull Up a Chair!

This is a journey I’ve been waiting my whole life to take, and I’m thrilled you’re coming along for the ride.
Hi, I’m Maryann, creator of More Beautiful and host of the More Beautiful Podcast. I bring to this project three decades of experience as a journalist and media executive. As a 50-something wife and mom, I also know something about being a woman in midlife. It seems like yesterday that I graduated from journalism school and returned to my native New York to begin my career at a local newspaper. I eventually segued into magazine publishing, sharpening my editorial skills at Fairchild/Conde Nast and Time Inc. (Feel free to check out my portfolio here.)
A few years back, I moved to the West Coast with my family, tossing the corporate life to work from home. Now that the kids are older, I’m excited for my next chapter and all the opportunities that lie ahead. Aside from writing and podcasting, I love running, listening to music, cooking, traveling and spending time with my brood. I also enjoy supporting my favorite causes, including the American Heart Association, Dress For Success, Best Buddies, the Geena Davis Institute on Gender in Media, and volunteering as a mentor for She-Can, a nonprofit that helps young women from post-war, post-conflict countries navigate the U.S. higher education system.
My hope is that More Beautiful gets you excited about your next chapter. I’m honored to tackle all the issues at the forefront of your heart and mind, and perhaps make a little difference in the way women “over a certain age” are perceived in our culture.
So come on, let’s do this thing called midlife. Together!