Aug 18, 2022

36. Celebrate Your Second Spring

A chat with author Kate Codrington about embracing the seasons of our lives, not letting our hormones define us, and getting ready for a joyful second act.

Did you know that in some Asian cultures a woman’s menopause is called the Second Spring? It’s viewed as a positive life stage, something to be celebrated.

On this episode of the More Beautiful Podcast, I chat with therapist and writer Kate Codrington, author of Second Spring: The Self-Care Guide to Menopause, about how we can embrace the seasons of our life and enjoy the beauty and power that come once the so-called “veil of estrogen” has been lifted. We also learn about the misogynistic origins of hormone replacement therapy, find out which personality type usually finds menopause the most challenging, discover how ovulation benefits lap dancers (!), and learn which three species are the only ones on the planet to go through menopause.

Kate and I talk about all that and more, so tune in!

Kate Codrington is a therapist, mentor, speaker, facilitator, artist and writer. A pioneering spirit, she was the first to graduate as a Menstruality Medicine Circle facilitator. Kate also hosts Life—An Inside Job podcast, creates multi-level art textile projects, and does seasonal Yoga Nidra inspired by the land where she lives in Hertfordshire, England. When she’s not doing these things, you’ll find her playing in her compost heaps.

Kate’s book, Second Spring: The Self-Care Guide to Menopause, it out now. You can find Kate on her website or on Instagram.

This episode was edited by Ryan B. Jo.


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